In the Bahamas loving the color combinations.

On a girls weekend in Columbus with Chicago and serious shopping.

Appreciating food that looks and tastes like summer.

Sorting one billion legos by color (I’m not even kidding.)

Painting winterish snowpeople when the temps went into the 90s.

In and out of pools watching my three strengthen their swimming skills.

Traveling to Hogwarts at Universal Studios (seriously amazing….this needs its own post.)

At the beach enjoying the sand and the waves.

Working on my new website with Christine and Anna. It’s finally up! (Thanks ladies!)
So there in a nutshell, are some of the highlights of my summer. School starts this week. I never planned on such a long hiatus from blogging, but summer got in the way. (I’m blaming summer.) I’m back now…really…and hopefully, all posts will not take quite as long as this one, once I learn how things work over here at WordPress. Let me know what you think of the new look. Thanks again Christine! I’m totally loving it.