No it’s not you. It. has. been. awhile. While there definitely was time off from here, I was definitely not away on some exotic vacation for the past 6 months (although I did squeeze in some time away here and there.) Mostly I’ve been working more than ever. From graphic design to pursuing art licensing (FINALLY cards, flags and other items will start coming out next year!), I’ve been busy as a bee. Which segways nicely into the above piece. I created this especially for Cloth Paper Scissors, “Artists Give Back.”
Many contributors (including myself) to Cloth Paper Scissors and Cloth Paper Scissors Studios magazines have created works for the special etsy store “Artists Give Back.” The art is available in a large size (approximately 8″ x 8″) for $100 or a smaller size (approximately 5″ x 5″) for $50. All proceeds will go to benefit the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. (NBCF). The shop goes live on August 28th. I can pretty much guarantee these original works will go fast. Bee sure to check it out.
HI JUNE! Sounds busy and all GOOD NEWS!!!!! Congratulations :)))) Smiles, Anke :)