
March 26, 2009

PB and rain

After two solid days of rainy weather, I couldn’t take it any more. This called for action.

With two assistants/spring breakers on hand, we whipped up a batch of our favorite cookies.

shhhhhhh….my secret is to use a potato masher instead of a fork for the patterned tops. I experimented with other kitchen utensils way back here to make cookies that looked like these, but the potato masher is still my all time favorite.

Yes, the sky is definitely looking brighter now (not really…butwhocares…we have cookies in the house.) If you’re looking out at umbrella weather, may I strongly suggest some cookie therapy. It works for us.
Filed Under: baking


  1. Thanks for the recipe- its been raining in here in Atlanta for 2 days too. I love peanut Butter!
    ;-), Nicole

    artgirly — March 26, 2009 @ 3:42 pm
  2. Yummy!
    what a fabby idea using the potato masher! :)

    Gillian — March 30, 2009 @ 9:49 am
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