I’m catching up after a weekend spent at AmericasMart in Atlanta. This was my first time at the show and boy do my legs hurt! There were three buildings of the above with various offshoots that could confuse even those without sense-of-direction issues. I met up with my agent, Renee from Penny Lane Publishing, and fellow Penny Lane artist, Annie Lapoint. Love these ladies. Although keeping up with Renee is a better workout than the most challenging spinning class. I think I’ve earned at least a 3-week gym reprieve.
I quickly become adept at traveling up and down and down and up miles of escalators. Applause for whomever invented moving steps.
When I returned, I had to check my datebook to make sure I had only been gone for two nights. I was really missed by kids and cats alike. My two younger kids needed to be surgically removed from my waist. And poor Penny climbed into my “To Do” box. If that isn’t a big hint.
That “To Do” list has grown even longer after being immersed in a gift mart that was completely overwhelming. I have more ideas and directions to pursue than can be pursued while still fitting in important “to do’s” like sleeping. So for these past couple of days, I’ve been working to keep my priorities in order. Like making Wimpy Kid cupcakes for a special 9-year-old boy to celebrate his birthday today at school. Lego cake to follow. New art and projects to follow all of that. One “do” at a time.
Oh that sounds like fun and kind of exhausting too. I know what you mean with all those Ideas in your head and no time. Same here…so today I rode my bike in the cold but it felt awesome!!!! My head is all clear and focused again.
Wish you a great weekend with your family!
Smiles, Anke ;)
I love the cupcakes. My 9 yr old is Wimpy Kid crazy. I might try this, but my drawing skills are limited, much less with a pastry bag.