February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines

Despite deadlines and a towering laundry pile, I’m reminding myself that today is special. A taking-time-kind-of-date reserved for coloring, crafting, puzzle-making, Wii challenging, baking (with chocolate and heart sprinkles), Lego building, reading-out-loud, talking and listening, board game playing and finally later, movie and popcorn sharing.

Hope your day is filled.
Filed Under: family
February 12, 2010

Meet Picasso

Introducing our new two-year-old, bellyrubloving, laid back, tabby boy Picasso. This cat business all started after years of constant kid-pet-pleading resulting in little Penny last May. Shortly after Penny came to live with us, I couldn’t help but get Mary Beth’s words out of my head…how two cats together were so much better than one. Errrrr….thanks Mary Beth. So after mulling that over for several months, we all decided it was time Penny had a special friend of her own. This past weekend, we drove to the animal shelter and spent a good two hours looking for a young cat that might be a good fit for all of us. Mind you, this new cat would have to pass the “Nora test.” A test so difficult and grueling that only one cat (out of 50+) would still be purring at the end. Picasso, you are a *very* special cat.

After a couple days of isolation, we let these two meet. You are witnessing their first interaction. Just look at that Penny offering a firm handshake and ‘how do you do.” I wish I could say that we haven’t had hissing (or even a little growling) over the past couple of days, but I think that they’re doing quite well all things considered.

Here they are sitting down together for a staring contest. Fingers crossed that they become great companions and that I can soon completely agree that two cats really are better.
Filed Under: family
February 7, 2010

Snowed in

Sometimes a weekend blanket of snow isn’t a bad thing. Especially when you have hours and hours of design work and…

a brand new, fire-engine-red mixer that you were lucky enough to get for Christmas.

Now, I’ll be getting back to business. Of course that’s right after the cookies. Priorities you know.
Filed Under: Uncategorized
February 2, 2010


Pardon the forlorn groundhog/sea lion, but you get the idea. Six more weeks of Winter??! To quote my 4-year-old, “You have got to be kidding me.” Not that it matters much. After enjoying a steady, yet unrushed workload (the kind that pays), my inbox has suddenly quadrupled ensuring that I won’t be emerging from my hole any time soon. Not that I’m complaining…I knew it was coming and I’m thankful for it. This just means more pizza and less blog.

Also please accept my sincere apologies, if you come back here to check in only to find Mr. Groundhogsealion. I’ll try to climb out with an update as soon as possible. Until then, Happy Groundhog Day.

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