March 8, 2012

Evoke III

After a weekend getaway to Art-n-Soul in Virigina Beach (post coming soon…hopefully), I’m busy catching up.

For now, I thought I’d drop by to mention I have several pieces in the show above (my work is not pictured on the *gorgeous* flyer.) Unfortunately, I neglected to take photos of my entries so you’ll just have to come in person to see!  Last Friday in a bit of a last minute frenzy, my art was wired for hanging and dropped off at the gallery on the way to the airport.  Photos didn’t come to mind until I was flying above the clouds.

Evoke III is a group show centered around the theme: to create anew especially by means of the imagination. Opening night is this Friday from 6-9pm at Red Tree Gallery. Stop by for art and wine + live music  if you’re in the area.


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A Darling Site