April 27, 2010

The box under the rummage sale table

Over the past weekend, I managed to find time to squeeze in a couple of rummage sales. This is my absolute favorite way to find materials for mixed media paintings and sewing projects. Supplies purchased like this are a mere fraction of the retail price. Besides you can’t find trim from the 1940s at your local Michael’s.

While wandering the second sale of the morning, I spied a box under the table in the “craft/sewing section.” (ALWAYS LOOK UNDER THE TABLE. This is where the really good stuff hides…trust me.) I didn’t need to spend much time weeding through to know I had struck gold. I added a few other things to the box and then asked the nice lady if she could give me a price for the whole lot. She looked through my stash and consulted with her coworker. Then she turned back to me, smiled and said, “How’s $2.50?” I told her that was more than fair. So are you curious as to what’s in that box?! Here’s a sampling…

Yards of fabric…

Lace and trims.

Hundreds of buttons…

A rainbow of rick rack, seam binding, bias trim, elastic (most unopened)…

Charming wooden spools of thread, measuring tapes and old sewing notions. The box also contained half yards of colorful fleece (perfect for kid projects), unopened ribbon spools, crochet thread and tulle.

underestimate a rummage sale as a source for materials. And you’ll probably get a better deal if you collect a box of stuff and ask for a price on the entire lot. Have fun and let me know what treasures you find!
Filed Under: thrifting
April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day to you

Love the earth for the sake of us big peeps…

…and the little ones too. What a gorgeous spring day for a celebration.

Prints of Love the Earth are available in my etsy shop.

April 18, 2010

How to get unstuck

Five-year-old Nora is definitely on a roll. She’s learning how to communicate with words and pictures and can’t get enough of documenting everything. Nora spent the better part of yesterday preparing for family movie night. She made tickets, money and the sign above. (That’s MOVIE with the extra “V” corrected, 8:00pm with drinks and popcorn and a cost of $5…play money accepted.) When she asked me if she could tape the sign to the door of the movie theater/aka Mom and Dad’s bedroom I said something like…”No tape on the doors. It takes off the paint and makes Daddy nuts.” Admittedly, I was working at my computer and only paying half attention. I felt her disappointment about the no tape, but I repeated that she would have to find a different way to hang her sign. She thought for a moment and then skipped off as I continued to work.

I did a double take when I went upstairs and saw Nora’s creative solution to sign-hanging without tape. A great reminder from a preschooler that with a little creativity and drive there’s always a way around potential roadblocks life throws our way.
Filed Under: inspiration, kids
April 16, 2010

A Friday-To-Do List

Nora seen composing our Friday-To-Do List using preschool shorthand.

1) NORA = Clean Nora’s Room (check)
2) M = Pick up disc at client’s office for Mommy’s design work (check)
3) L = Library (check)
4) BB= Clean both bathrooms
5) L = Lunch (check)
6) N = Nap

Somehow we spent too much time at the “L” and got behind with things. Friday priorities. I’m sure going to miss my little helper when she checks into kindergarten next year.

Now back to our last to-do’s…


Filed Under: family, kids
April 9, 2010

Things that fly

I love having artists as friends. Not only do they challenge and inspire me, but they’re generous and supportive. Did I mention creative, fun and unique? I treasure them all. I was delighted to find this package in my mail from a fellow Art of Can artist. The wax seal is a big clue as to what lurks inside…

The amazingly talented and creative Dale Busta (the guy who has won Red Bull’s Art of Can like a zillion times) sent me one of his trademark aluminium can bees.

Dale burns the label off the can and welds the pieces together somehow (I won’t even pretend to completely understand his process.) I do know that the craftsmanship and attention to detail is incredible. And if you ever have a project (or want a bee of your own) contact me and I’ll put you in touch with Dale. I don’t think there’s much that Dale can’t figure out how to make.

Speaking of things that fly, do you remember these? Our family went out to dinner at a place that creatively served up kid’s meals on Frisbees. I’m in shock that my kids had not recently handled or played with this classic toy, but now they’re hooked. We’re all having a great time rediscovering the Frisbee and loving a restaurant with a worthwhile take home toy.

Thanks again Dale (you rock.) And thanks to the The Rusty Bucket for thinking outside the basket, box, plate or anything else that doesn’t fly so well outside.
Filed Under: inspiration
April 5, 2010

Not just for showers in April

I just finished the above painting which was inspired by the spring rain and this week’s prompt over at Illustration Friday. In case you’re wondering about that, the theme of the week was “Dip.” However, I read my weekly e-mail reminder really fast and saw “Drip.” So all weekend, I’m thinking and painting “drip” which led to water, rain and flowers and how the very toughest moments in life prove to be the ones that reward us in the end with inspiration and valuable life lessons.

I very sheepishly discovered my mistake when I went to submit (whoops!) Regardless, I’m happy with the illustration and the inspiration that came from reading an inspirational prompt incorrectly.

I probably could have skipped the true confession paragraph above and played off “dip” with this painting…(not me, ahem, but: the flowers were dipped in rain drops giving them the strength to bloom even brighter) However, that wouldn’t be keeping it real, now would it? And I would never lie to you. Just a self reminder to stop and smell the flowers/slow down especially when reading e-mail. : )

Prints of “Showers often bring flowers” are now available for sale over in my etsy shop.
April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

Sweet wishes from me to you for a bright and cheerful Easter day. In between our celebrations over here and waaay too many chocolate eggs, I’m finishing up a new painting. Hopefully it will be ready for show tomorrow. And don’t let me forget that somebody needs to eat all of those hard-boiled eggs in the next few days. We need an eat-as-many-as-you-decorate rule.
Filed Under: family
April 2, 2010

Signs of spring

So tell me, just how is one supposed to work with all of this going on outside? It’s been taking my very best focusing skills to get just a little done.

I’ve also been on a major decluttering kick…I’m pretty sure there’s something in the air that demands it. Six stuffed garbage bags and five very large pieces of brightly colored plastic (several with wheels) are outta here. What a feeling that is.

And we couldn’t wait one second longer to decorate our eggs that happen to fit right in with the vibrant landscape. We’re so happy to have our spring back. I’ll be returning soon with cookies to properly celebrate.
Filed Under: Uncategorized

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