
January 24, 2009

Get down

Three-year-old Nora came home with this frameable drawing yesterday. I laughed out loud when she told me that it was “Mommy shaking her booty.” I can hear KC and the Sunshine band now…woWohoo, yeah! Nora went on to explain that the purple on my one arm is a cast (matches my purple dress.) Apparently, I had a fall while stirring up the dance floor which would not be too surprising.

I’ll have to say, besides being very amused I was quite impressed with Nora’s figure drawing skills…in action nonetheless. WOW.
You go girl.
Filed Under: kids
January 21, 2009

Seven You Are

After Brendan and I had our annual birthday cake consultation, we decided that Yoda would be appropriate for year seven. This is what I came up with. I designed it much like the puppy cake from a couple of weeks ago. Two round cakes…one for the head with the second cut to form Yoda’s ears (I think they’re ears?) I called upon the force several times hoping that Yoda would look like Yoda rather than a scary green monster.

The most important critic was thrilled with his cake grinning ear-to-ear when he saw it. He commented on how he didn’t know I could make a Yoda cake. I used that opportunity to rant off my creativity speech including how artists never really know how the end product will turn out and often question whether it will fulfill their vision. I went on to reinforce that attempting new things is what makes one grow as an artist. His response to that inspired burst of eloquence was, “It looks hard.”

Yoda strikes me as a guy who is green all the way through so my sense of humor took great delight in making a green cake with a bit of food coloring. Brendan’s out-of-town grandma asked him over the phone what flavor cake he had. He responded, “Green”. She said, “No honey, I mean yellow, white or chocolate.” Again Brendan correctly replied, “Green.” We like to keep her guessing. ; )

In addition to the Yoda cake, you’re looking at another first. I never ever thought I’d have a birthday party here. Brendan, this is proof that I love you very, VERY much.
Filed Under: baking, kids
January 17, 2009

preschool artist + a giveaway

She’s shown tremendous growth since way back then. Here is a glimpse of her artistic process.

Studying the surface marks…perspective is everything.

Perfecting the line and movement of the painting.

Embracing a wide color palette to create both harmony and dissonance.

Knowing when the piece is complete.
(above painting currently “Untitled”.)

**ShOp GivEAwAy! Head on over to Funky Finds and leave a comment under my shop feature. I’m hosting a giveaway for both a Frustration Pencil kit and a pack of Glittery Birthday cards. You have until Midnight CST, Tuesday, January 20. Good luck!
Filed Under: kids
January 4, 2009

A sweet puppy

My first born turned ten a few days ago and oh how she wants a puppy. Unfortunately, Mom and Dad aren’t ready to add the live kind to our household just yet so a sugary one had to suffice. Around here, as I’ve mentioned before, a homemade cake happens for every birthday in the shape of whatever the birthday child dreams up (that’s within reason…this isn’t Ace of Cakes.) Sometimes, I’ll surf the Internet for inspiration and other times I’ll just wing it. This time I was winging it.

Here’s a very easy cake pattern if by chance there’s a puppy lover with a birthday at your house. I used two cake mixes …one filled the 10 inch cake pan and the other filled a 9 inch with batter left over (the leftover made extra cupcakes.) A furry cake is pretty easy to decorate since the icing doesn’t need to be all perfect. I gobbed it on and swirled it this way and that to get the furry doggie effect. I used a lighter color of the fur icing to make the snout area and then used pink icing for the collar. The dogs eyes and nose (nose cut into proper shape) are peppermint patties. White chocolate chips decorate the collar. Finally, I did some very basic piping with black and white icing, but candy (licorice, etc) would also work to get a similar effect.

It’s officially birthday season around here, so they’ll be two more kids cakes happening between now and March. I’m not sure what shape those will take on yet…but I’ll keep ya posted.
Filed Under: baking, kids

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