This past weekend, I actually cleaned out and organized my studio. The art, craft, sewing, etc. supplies were getting way out of control. Here’s evidence. I admit I have never knitted, crocheted, spun or weaved or done anything with yarn in the past five ten twenty years. So why does one have mountains of yarn? I think it’s the colors and the textures that get me. I fantasy about knitting mittens…surely some day I will be a mitten knitter. Until then, I forced myself to condense my stash to what could fit in this metal bin. Notice it’s squeezed in pretty tight. That self is one tricky gal. You can only imagine how the rest of the studio clean out went. I will say things are looking better than before. And if you happen to spot me in Michaels or some other craft or sewing store, please order me to drop the basket and go home immediately.
Well, now i know how i got all the cool scraps you gave me for my birthday!… lucky for me, you were cleaning house and getting rid of stuff! hahahha… love it. And all that yarn?… seriously…in February, when i see you, i will teach you have to knit a simple scarf… you will be a scarf making machine! kisses!